Wayne SaalmanKarma & the Mental “Hell” IssueMENTAL HEALTH IS ONE THING, living in a mental “hell” is another. The idea of a “mental health issue” as we all know by now is a phrase…Sep 29Sep 29
Wayne SaalmanThe Path of Positivity Versus Playing the Terror CardAS THE BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT of the future beckons from every direction, its magnificent rays can fill us with every form of positivity…Sep 26Sep 26
Wayne SaalmanThe Power of the Geopolitical & Spiritual DynamicBEING TRULY FREE means that we are at liberty to make choices. With all that is going on in our world today, it can feel otherwise. It can…Sep 23Sep 23
Wayne SaalmanAmerica, the Beautiful, the Bountiful, the EmbattledHERE WE GO AGAIN. AGAIN, WE MUST ASK: How did it come to this? How on earth does it keep coming to this in America, the Land of the Free…Sep 17Sep 17
Wayne SaalmanThe Light That Illuminates Every ViewpointTHE HUMAN PERSPECTIVE is known to exist within a very narrow band of light, a mere sliver of luminosity within the full spectrum of…Aug 29Aug 29
Wayne SaalmanTricks, Tropes & TruthACCORDING TO PSYCHIATRIST, Gail Saltz, Conservatives have a larger right amygdala, the part of the brain tied to fight or flight, while…Aug 251Aug 251
Wayne SaalmanThe Day Crazytown Went PsychoSPEAKER AFTER SPEAKER at the Democratic National Convention told this story this week, the week of August 19–22, 2024; most were members of…Aug 231Aug 231
Wayne SaalmanOur Better Angels Are CallingMANY THINK THAT WHATEVER the political beliefs one has espoused at any particular time in one’s life creates a position from which one must…Aug 21Aug 21
Wayne SaalmanOnce Young & Full of DreamsIN HIS BOOK, DREAMS OF LIGHT, author Andrew Holecek offers us a surprising spiritual realization: “You make the discovery,” he writes…Aug 18Aug 18
Wayne SaalmanThe Quarks of KarmaSINCE AN ELECTION IS LOOMING in the United States this November with both political and spiritual repercussions for virtually all of the…Aug 16Aug 16