Random Access Savagery

Wayne Saalman
2 min readMay 27, 2022


Photo by Natalie Chaney

THE FBI TELLS US that mass shootings have gone up 97% since Trump was elected to the highest office in the “Land of the Free”. If this isn’t a chilling fact, what is?

How many children need to be slaughtered for Republican politicians to keep assault rifles out of the hands of 18-year-olds or any person for that matter?

Why would an 18-year-old need an assault rifle?

Does Donald Trump have an assault rifle to “protect” himself? Do all mealy-mouthed GOP politicians have assault rifles? Do they need them?

Who, in truth, needs them?

Remember how Trump stood on the Inaugural platform at his swearing-in ceremony and told America how the “carnage stops right here and right now” (or words to that effect)?

Quite the opposite has occurred, has it not?

Meanwhile, Trump, the big protector of the 2nd Amendment just keeps lying to his base, telling them that the Democrats are going to take away “all” of their guns, so that his political sycophants (sick-o-phants) and his mob base can return him to the highest office in the “Land of the Free”. He just keeps lying and his Republican colleagues either rationalize the whole gun issue or stay totally silent and hide from the press, trembling in fear to speak out (after all, some lunatic from the base might threaten them with gun violence and death if they dare to speak out or do anything constructive to vote through even the smallest steps toward commonsense gun legislation, especially the legislation needed to keep assault rifles out of the hands of young angry men who have yet to develop a conscience.)

More could be said here, but my blood boils so mercilessly when I contemplate the state of America at the moment that I must leave off with this.

Where is the “good” fight?

The fact is way too many politicians do nothing but “fight” to keep the deadly status quo in place in order to hold onto power at any cost, even at the cost of killing little children.

If all of this isn’t a chilling fact, what is?

You want a fact? Little children cannot go to school in America now without being in fear of being slaughtered by an assault rifle.

America, as the whole world now knows, the “Land of the Free” just isn’t anymore.

America, wise up.

America, you are destroying yourself.

